Know your key dates throughout the tax year

January 7, 2019

There are a few key dates to keep in mind for submitting personal tax returns.

Users of our app will find that untied keeps on top of the deadlines for them.

But for this tax year, here are a few key dates:

Tax year 2022-2023 runs from 6 April 2022 to 5 April 2023

Cut-off if you want to have HMRC collect tax due via PAYE or your pension – 30 December 2022.

Tax return submission deadline (online) – 31 January 2023 at midnight. You’ll need to ensure you’re registered for self-assessment and have your Government Gateway or other login to hand well ahead of this. It can take several weeks for login details to come through – so if you’re not sure you may want to request a reminder soon.

Deadline for paying tax due – 31 January 2023. However, don’t delay submitting a return just because you can’t pay the tax! File it, and then pay … you may have to pay some interest, but you’ll save yourself a £100 fine. Note bigger penalties kick in if you’re 30 days late (5% of the tax). But if you are struggling to pay, don’t ignore it but contact HMRC to see if they can agree to a payment plan.